Im ersten Weltkrieg diente Zalisz als Kriegsmaler. Ab 1918 studierte er an der Leipziger Kunsthochschule bei Otto Richard Bossert, Alois Kolb und Adolf Lehnert. Anschließend machte er Studienreisen nach Belgien, Frankreich, in die Schweiz und in die Niederlande.
Edmond de Bretenières (1804 Dijon - 1882 ebd.). Gemälde Zeichnungen Aquarelle Druckgraphiken Skulpturen Bücher Dekoratives Landkarten Fotografie. Technik:Bleistift auf Papier. Nach Motiv. Schließen Weiter.
This is a handmade painting, not a print or a lithograph of any kind. We are located in Peru, Lima.
This is a handmade painting, not a print or a lithograph of any kind. We will do our best to ensure that you receive your item as quickly as possible. We are located in Peru, Lima.
There are many original works, many signed, to suit all tastes from across many periods and genre. Lillian exhibited her portfolio in Yorkshire at Exhibitions and won several prizes. There are many local East and North Yorkshire Landscape scenes, along with still life and portraits and paintings of people.
Has yellowing from age.
Große, imposante Kohlezeichnung. Tuerlinckx J.J. "Kampf zwischen Büffel und Löwen". Unten links signiert.
Date: 1858.