This is a great piece of valuable collection, a valuable personal alter or a very good present. the handwork is very fine with incredible detailing. Don't miss out this chance to get it. Wish you good luck!
I am an antique dealer from China. I have a lot of cheap antiques. brief introduction.
Material: Copper ware series. Do not worry.
Hetian Jade, or "yu" "玉"in Chinese is also known as the "Stone of Heaven". Jade is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. In Chinese folklore the 3-Snake is an Affluent health good fortune,This Hetian jade is certified by.
Material Bronze. the handwork is very fine with incredible detailling. Don't miss out this chance to get it. Wish you good luck! Condition Perfect Condition. Perfect, with no scratches, flaws or repairs.
I am an antique dealer from China. I have a lot of cheap antiques. brief introduction.
Material: bronze gilt. Origin: China. Condition: Good condition.