Single sided printing: Image is printed on 1 side of the banner for single-sided displays. The back side shows the see through mirror image of the front side. Professional Flag with full color custom print on 4oz polyester !
Veuillez nous indiquer votre choix parmi les options suivantes (voir galerie d'images pour référence) C/ 2 rivets métalliques sans manche. B/ Manche pour mât.
Ideale per aste da interno, per il tuo balcone e da issare ad un pennone. L'unico limite è la tua fantasia! Per il fissaggio puoi anche aiutarti usando delle fascette in plastica da elettricista. Puoi usarli per appendere la bandiera a un muro, a un'asta o alla fune di traino di un pennone.
We are inlaying semiprecious stones in three different colors of marble White Marble,Black Marble & green marble. After completing the inlays into the marble we first rub the surface of marble with sandstone & then we polish the surface of marble with sandpaper which brings the natural shine on the surface of marble & to the semiprecious stone & we use wax polish to make the surface shiny.
10 Pcs Cell Phone Card Gasket Tether Tabs for Strap Label Lanyard. 2 Sets Lab Clamp 3 Laboratory Retort Stand Three-jaw Fixture. - Deer head design is very unique and attractive. Egyptian Cat God Golden Cats Decorative Sculpture Bronze Statue.
5.5cm at highest point on body.
This is a great piece of valuable collection, a valuable personal alter or a very good present. the handwork is very fine with incredible detailing. Don't miss out this chance to get it. Wish you good luck!
Adatto per il giardino decorazione: Queste palle di artificiale in plastica sono perfette per aggiungere un tocco di verde al per tuo giardino. Che tu voglia creare un punto focale o riempire spazi vuoti, queste palle daranno un'atmosfera naturale e accogliente a qualsiasi spazio esterno.