We are happy to offer discounts when you are buying multiple items. Feel free to make offers or take advantage of our volume discounts. Check out our other listings for more music, movies & memorabilia! Included shipping is USPS media Mail. Media mail is the most cost effective way to send media items, but it can be slow. If you would prefer a different shipping method please message us before paying. International orders go through eBay global shipping. They set the prices. For combined shipping send a message when you are done shopping and we will send you an invoice. We ship Monday - Friday. Most items ship next day. If you need more time to take advantage of discounts for buying multiple items please message. Thanks 31425
Very Very minor marking due to insert holder permitted. Factory sealed and never opened. Album is still in the factory-applied shrink-wrapping. (STILL SEALED). (VERY GOOD PLUS). (EXCELLENT or VERY GOOD ++).
Kleine Kratzer bzw. Das Cover kann Einrisse haben, ist aber noch brauchbar. Die Platte und das Cover haben Gebrauchsspuren, d.h. die Platte wurde oft abgespielt und hat hörbare Haarkratzer, das Cover hat Knicke und kann an den Kanten abgenutzt sein.
2017 FRANCE N°5144a** surchargé Lima Venez partager Paris 2024 Grand Palais Neuf** Port groupé maxi 2 euros par commande