This classic animated film, released by Walt Disney Home Entertainment in 1996, tells the story of a young Native American girl named Pocahontas who befriends a group of colonists. The film features beloved characters such as John Smith and Governor Radcliffe, and includes catchy songs and memorable moments. This VHS tape is perfect for fans of animation and anime genres, and is a great addition to any movie collection. The language of the film is English, making it accessible to a wide audience.
Fans of the band and lovers of rock music alike will enjoy this unique piece of music history. The language on the tape is English, and the sub-genre is rock, making it a must-have for any collector of music and concerts.
BEN HUR Vhs Tape.
This VHS tape features the family-friendly movie "Holes," directed by Andrew Davis and released in 2003 by Walt Disney Video. The movie is rated PG and is in English language. The story follows a young boy named Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to a juvenile detention camp where he and his fellow inmates are forced to dig holes every day. The tape is a great addition to any movie collection and is perfect for family movie nights. It falls under the categories of "Movies & TV" and "VHS Tapes." Get ready to be entertained and captivated by the story of "Holes."
Enjoy the classic fairytale of Cinderella in this vintage VHS tape. Starring Rita-Maria Nowotny as the beloved character, this full-length live action color movie is sure to captivate viewers of all ages. The tape is in the NTSC signal standard and is not a former rental. This adventure, drama, and fantasy film is perfect for fans of the genre. The movie is produced by Kids Klassics and is set in the United States. This VHS tape is a great addition to any collection and is perfect for family movie night.
Rare Hard to Find Out of Print 1995 Australian Vhs Pal Issue. VHS / BETA Movie's -.
Features: VHS Cardboard sleeves White w/window, Side Load, for your VHS tapes. Item: VHS Tape Cardboard Sleeve with window, white. Quantity : 20 pcs. We're happy to help. Add to Favorite.
Immerse yourself in the epic battle of Gettysburg with this VHS tape. Directed by Ronald F. Maxwell and starring Jeff Daniels and Tom Berenger, this action-packed film follows the events of the historic battle. The movie is rated G and features a signal standard of NTSC. Perfect for fans of action and adventure, this VHS tape is a great addition to any movie collection. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for an exciting new watch, Gettysburg is sure to deliver. Don't miss out on this classic film.