Item location:15/03 #648 #649. (If the item is not as described/as shown). Not As Described.
Leitz Leica NOOKY Macro Extension Tube Vom Kaufvertrag über Waren, die der Kunde über das Internet erworben hat, kann der Kunde – sofern er Verbraucher im Sinne von § 13 BGB ist – ohne Angabe von Gründen innerhalb von einem Monat zurücktreten.
Dust inside lenses, even new ones, won't affect images. If you plan to use them professionally, service or cleaning is advised. Expect reasonable functionality and optics without noticeable issues, unless specified.
Lens: Multicoated Eumig Makro-Viennon f: 1.2 \ F: 7-56 mm. Motor - runs well at both film speeds. Tested and fully working, in great working condition. Exposure - working well. Other features - all tested and working well.
Cable Shutter Release.
VIEWFINDER: optical type; adjustable dial shows the scene as viewed by focal lengths of 12.5mm, 25mm and 36mm. Audible end-of-film signal. Resets to zero upon reloading. The spool is then reversed and run through again, exposing the other half.
Dust inside lenses, even new ones, won't affect images. If you plan to use them professionally, service or cleaning is advised. Expect reasonable functionality and optics without noticeable issues, unless specified.