This can also be used for chemical transfer such as liquid fertilisers and other agricultural chemicals. The hose is designed for the transportation of water, liquids, fertilisers and chemicals. It is worth noting that any substantial increase in temperature above 20oC can result in a decline in working operational pressure values.
AquaMat Capillary Matting Plant Watering System. • Non phyto toxic materials only are used in AquaMat. Water is supplied to the plant constantly even on gentle sloping or uneven benching. Good Wet/Dry Performance - AquaMat shrinks slightly when dry, expanding again when wet giving constant performance.
Il fonctionne SANS électricité ni autre combustible ! Cette technologie est connue et utilisée depuis 300 ans. La quantité d'eau nécessaire peut varier dans une fourchette assez large. La valve dite de travail fonctionne avec la tension du ressort.
PVDF Materials. (Resist Ozone, anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion ).
È adatto per una vasta gamma di applicazioni, per edifici urbani, ville suburbane, case, acqua e pressurizzate con attrezzature industriali, aria condizionata, caldaie, acqua solare circolante, acqua calda che circola calda e così via.
Potente pompa a pressione automatica. Gasolio Travaso Pompa Elettropompa Diesel 40 Lt/Min Contalitri 2800rpm 220V. Portata: 17 L/min. Portata 10 L/min 17 L/min 2 m³ / h. Auto adescante: 6 piedi [entro 2 M].
Application: The water tank can be widely used in multiple scenarios, such as RV, trailer, outdoor camper, boat, yacht, etc. Feature: 1. It is safe to use and ensures the quality of your drinking water.
Gruppo di pressurizzazione. GAMMA di POMPE AUTOCLAVE, A GETTO. Pompa autoclave AQUA SS-1200-1. Pompa autoclave SS-1200-1. Se un consumo è acceso, lui avvia la pompa e se è chiuso, la spegna di nuovo.